Pregnancy…the good, the bad and the really oily.

My pregnancy was hands down the best thing that ever happened to me, but it did come with some struggles.

I want to preface this post with letting you know that I am aware how lucky I am to have been able to get pregnant in the first place. I know for some women it’s not so easy. So I am in no way taking it for granted cause I know what a blessing it truly is! However, I am here to be honest with you all and pregnancy is no cake walk. So I want to reach out to the pregnant ladies out there who might be sick of seeing all the perfect pregnancy posts on social media cause I know it’s not rainbows, butterflies and “just belly pregnancy’s” for everyone out there!

When I found out I was pregnant so many emotions ran though my mind; excitement, bliss, and a little bit of fear. I was so ready to be a mom and was looking forward to really enjoying my pregnancy and the glow that supposedly comes with it. But I still didn’t know exactly what to expect.

When my first trimester really kicked into gear I felt sick from the time I opened my eyes in the morning to when I closed them at night. The nausea was unimaginable! Even the mention food made me what to puke let alone looking at food. I couldn’t even go to the grocery store because I couldn’t handle the sights or smells. I ate bread or a plain bagel with butter for pretty much every meal cause it was the only thing I could keep down. This obviously didn’t do much to help avoid the pregnancy weight. FYI Butter is in fact a carb….and so are bagels. Not only did I want to vomit 24/7 I also went from skin that was as dry as the Sahara desert to skin you could fry an egg on. I was so oily it was crazy! I most definitely wouldn’t call it a pregnancy glow more like a pregnancy oil spill. I started breaking out like crazy, not just on my face but all over my body. I felt like a 13 year old boy in the prime of puberty.

It’s like the day I started my second trimester the nausea stopped! I was so happy I could eat and go grocery shopping like a normal human again…small victories. The zits on the other hand, did not slow down one bit! Also, I was gaining weight but not like I had expected. The weight wasn’t a cute little beach ball under my shirt, in fact I barely looked pregnant. I didn’t gain it just in my belly, it went all over the place! I couldn’t wear boots cause they wouldn’t zip up my calves and my already round face somehow was 3x rounder.

Next came the excess of emotions. I cried about everything. I mean I couldn’t watch tv without crying over a rooms to go commercial (true story). The mood swings are not a myth, they are so real! I could go from crying to yelling in about two seconds. God bless my poor husband, hormones are a crazy thing. Another exciting side effect took place during my third trimester, my feet decided to grow 3 sizes (once again true story). I am usually a size 8-8 1/2 but none of my shoes were fitting. Slippers were the only thing I could manage to squish on my Fred Flintstone feet. By the end of my pregnancy i was wearing a size 11. You didn’t read that wrong I did, in fact, say size 11!

You go into your pregnancy not really fully comprehending what you get at the end of it. You focus on all the negative aspects because you don’t realize the extent to which you will love that little baby inside of you. Pregnancy can be tough, you get fat, you don’t always glow and you might have to go buy size 11 shoes, but man oh man is it worth it! Once you see that baby you can’t even fathom the love you feel. They say it’s like having your heart live outside from you body and that is so true. You are happy when they are, you hurt when they do, you cry when they cry….it’s the real deal. And trust me you would gladly gain 3x what you did and puke a million more times for that little nugget. Our body’s change our hormones change but in the end we change so we can bring these perfect tiny humans into the world. My friends, that’s some magical stuff right there.


Happy International Women’s Day to all the ladies! Congrats on being a real life unicorn.

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